Over 180 discounts and growing!
Your Best of the City Perks membership allows you to save money at all of our participating locations!
Your key tag is now accepted at more than 180 locations – over 75 in the York County area, over 30 in the Greater Baltimore area, and now over 75 in the Cincinnati area!
The remarkable thing with Best of the City Perks is that you will always have new places to save money, without paying any extra!
Yes, that’s right! Your yearly fee includes saving money at all our current discount locations and new ones that will be added throughout the year!
Our free Android and iPhone mobile app gives you immediate access to every business that accepts your key tag. Businesses closest to your current location are always listed first. Every listing includes the business name, discount offer, address, phone number, directions and distance from your current location. You can also search for discounts by category, city and business name.
Get your free mobile app today, as well as future updates of new discount locations, promotions, contests and drawings, when you activate your key tag!
Check out all your discounts!